YP – MS Department of Health files amicus brief supporting Madison mayor’s Medical Marijuana challenge
The Mississippi Department of Health has filed an amicus brief in support of the City of Madison and Mayor Mary Hawkins Butler’s challenge of the medical marijuana Initiative 65 that passed in November with 74% of the vote. The matter is currently before the Mississippi Supreme Court…
…According to the approved constitutional amendment via Initiative 65, the State Department of Health is tasked with overseeing and administering the medical marijuana program in Mississippi. The department argues in its amicus brief that it will be “a monumental task.”
MSDH daily COVID-19 reporting
Today MSDH is reporting 2,205 more cases of COVID-19 in Mississippi, 48 deaths, and 236 ongoing outbreaks in long-term care facilities. The total of #covid19 cases for the year is now 183,300, with 4,252 deaths. Case details and prevention guidance at https://t.co/YCv9xPyJDk pic.twitter.com/LlNFqOaRFX
— Mississippi State Department of Health (@msdh) December 15, 2020
YP – Biden chastises AGs, Congressmen who backed Texas election challenge
President-elect Joe Biden delivered a speech on Monday evening following the votes cast by the Electoral College officially certifying his win. Biden took the opportunity to chastise those who sought to challenge the election on behalf of President Donald Trump, namely the 17 Attorneys General and the 126 members of Congress who backed the Texas election challenge brought before the U.S. Supreme Court which was denied.
Mississippi AG Lynn Fitch sought to intervene in the Texas case in support of the the challenge, and Mississippi’s three Republican Congressmen – Trent Kelly (MS-01), Michael Guest (MS-03) and Steven Palazzo (MS-04) – all signed on to an amicus brief backing the effort.
Governor Reeves prompts debate over COVID-19 vaccine
Interesting debate… I get endless posts from skeptics like “If you want us to take the vaccine, why won’t you take it?”
I’m ready—but don’t want to be accused of cutting in line. What do you think is the better action by leaders? Show confidence or let others get access first?
— Governor Tate Reeves (@tatereeves) December 15, 2020
YP – CORDER: Republicans must compete locally to win nationally
The problem with the Republican Party is not Trump’s populism or conservative policies per se. The problem with the national Republican Party, and by extension their state machines, is that the GOP has largely ceded any attempt at winning in the inner cities and most densely populated areas across the country. The powers that be have been content to simply play electoral math every few years. Republicans can dominate a vast majority of the geographical areas but still lose the popular vote. The presidential electoral maps prove it, resulting in Joe Biden winning the national popular vote as well as flipping once solid red states handing him the Electoral College victory on Monday.
Lt. Gov. Hosemann appoints McGehee to State Board of Education
Dr. McGehee @RonnieMcGehee2 will do an excellent job on the State Board of Ed. He has vast experience, he has the trust of public educators across #Mississippi, and he has the heart to do the hard things we have to do to help our students achieve. #msleg: https://t.co/ax1iCIWoBd
— Delbert Hosemann (@DelbertHosemann) December 14, 2020
YP – Mississippi Medical Marijuana Association Launches, Prepares for Convention
The Mississippi Medical Marijuana Association is now accepting membership applications from business owners in the medical marijuana industry. The Mississippi Medical Marijuana Association, 3MA for short, represents the interests of the diverse group of business licenses in Mississippi’s medical marijuana industry.
“We are so excited to officially launch this association,” said Ken Newburger, Executive Director for the Mississippi Medical Marijuana Association. “We already have over 50 members, and our goal is to make sure we give these businesses access to tools and information to give Mississippi a top-tier medical marijuana program. Our team worked so hard alongside Mississippi voters to pass Initiative 65 at the polls, and now we want to do all we can to assure the program operates in the best way possible for patients in Mississippi.”
YP – The 7th Annual Mississippi Book Festival is on at the State Capitol
The 7th Annual Mississippi Book Festival is a go. It is set to be held at the Mississippi State Capitol on August 21, 2021.
According to a release from Executive Director Holly Lange the festival’s Board of Directors voted unanimously to “side with optimism” and hold continue with the tradition of a live, in-person book festival in Jackson.
“Given all of the uncertainty between now and August of next year, we are not 100% sure of what the festival will look like, but we are 1000% committed to continuing this important cultural experience for our state and beyond,” said Lange in the email.
WLBT – Sandra Strain wins Madison special election, will fill late husband’s seat
The City of Madison has a new Alderman. Sandra Strain will now fill the seat once held by her late husband Warren Strain.
On Tuesday during a Special Election, Strain received 909 votes to Janice Jackson’s 84 votes with 8 out of 8 of the precedents reporting.
Strain is a member of the Madison County Republican Women, a sustainer of the Junior League of Jackson and a member of Madison the City Chamber.