The Mississippi Legislative PEER Committee is releasing its report titled FY 2020 Annual Report: Analysis of Funding for Mississippi Charter Schools and the Charter School Authorizer Board.
Some of the Committee’s major findings include:
- The current constitution of board members’ staggered terms results in three board members rolling off at one time, potentially impacting the board’s quorum requirement.
- The Mississippi Department of Education distributed MAEP funding to charter schools at the same amounts it provided MAEP funding to the school districts in which those charter schools were located.
- The local ad valorem pro rata calculation required by statute provides unequal shares between charter schools and the school districts.
- FY 2020 was the second year the state funding formula for the Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board (MCSAB) provided enough funds to cover the operations of the board.
- MCSAB’s 3% fee revenues have increased at a greater rate than its expenditures.
- MCSAB reimbursed the state general fund $1,069 for an unallowable travel expense PEER noted in last year’s report. However, MCSAB paid two contractors without a contract in FY 2020.
- MCSAB made improvements to its oversight of its federal Charter Schools Program grant and made progress in developing a solid board infrastructure.
- MCSAB granted renewal to Midtown Public Charter School although the school did not meet the performance framework requirements for renewal.
PEER Report by yallpolitics on Scribd
About the Author(s)
Magnolia Tribune
This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.
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