Lt. Governor Delbert Hosemann announced several new Committee Chairs today. The resignations of Senators Sally Doty and Gary Jackson, plus the addition of two newly-elected Senators, Jason Barrett and Bart Williams, prompted the new assignments.
“The Legislature has the significant responsibility of helping lead the state through recovering from the pandemic, in addition to addressing all of the State’s other needs in education, economic issues, healthcare, transportation, and others,” Hosemann said. “We wanted to make sure our Senators knew of any Committee changes well before the start of the 2021 Session so they can begin attending hearings and preparing for next year.”
The updated Committee Chairs are as follows:
Accountability, Efficiency, and Transparency
John A. Polk, Chairman
Angela Burks Hill, Vice-Chairwoman
Chuck Younger, Chairman
Tyler McCaughn, Vice-Chairman
- Briggs Hopson III, Chairman
John A. Polk, Vice-Chairman
Business and Financial Institutions
Chris Caughman, Chairman
Chad McMahan, Vice-Chairman
Chris Johnson, Chairman
Derrick T. Simmons, Vice-Chairman
Juan Barnett, Chairman
Daniel Sparks, Vice-Chairman
County Affairs
Angela Burks Hill, Chairwoman
Neil S. Whaley, Vice-Chairman
Drug Policy
David Jordan, Chairman
Melanie Sojourner, Vice-Chairwoman
Economic and Workforce Development
David Parker, Chairman
Chuck Younger, Vice-Chairman
Dennis DeBar Jr., Chairman
David Blount, Vice-Chairman
Jeff Tate, Chairman
Hob Bryan, Vice-Chairman
Joel R. Carter Jr., Chairman
Rita Potts Parks, Vice-Chairwoman
Enrolled Bills
Tammy Witherspoon, Chairwoman
Robert L. Jackson, Vice-Chairman
Environmental Protection, Conservation, and Water Resources
Chris McDaniel, Chairman
Chris Caughman, Vice-Chairman
Albert Butler, Chairman
Chris McDaniel, Vice-Chairman
Executive Contingent Fund
Robert L. Jackson, Chairman
Juan Barnett, Vice-Chairman
Josh Harkins, Chairman
Chris Johnson, Vice-Chairman
Sampson Jackson II, Chairman
Joseph M. Seymour, Vice-Chairman
David Blount, Chairman
Philip Moran, Vice-Chairman
Highways and Transportation
Jenifer B. Branning, Chairwoman
Barbara Blackmon, Vice-Chairwoman
Barbara Blackmon, Chairwoman
Tammy Witherspoon, Vice-Chairwoman
- Walter Michel, Chairman
Mike McLendon, Vice-Chairman
Interstate and Federal Cooperation
Hillman Terome Frazier, Chairman
Joseph Thomas, Vice-Chairman
Investigate State Offices
Mike Thompson, Chairman
Sarita Simmons, Vice-Chairwoman
Judiciary, Division A
Brice Wiggins, Chairman
Jenifer B. Branning, Vice-Chairwoman
Judiciary, Division B
Joey Fillingane, Chairman
Jeremy England, Vice-Chairman
John Horhn, Chairman
Hillman Terome Frazier, Vice-Chairman
Local and Private
Chad McMahan, Chairman
Dean Kirby, Vice-Chairman
Kevin Blackwell, Chairman
Joey Fillingane, Vice-Chairman
Derrick T. Simmons, Chairman
Jason Barrett, Vice-Chairman
Ports and Marine Resources
Philip Moran, Chairman
Mike Thompson, Vice-Chairman
Public Health and Welfare
Hob Bryan, Chairman
David Parker, Vice-Chairman
Public Property
Angela Turner-Ford, Chairwoman
Albert Butler, Vice-Chairman
Dean Kirby, Chairman
- Walter Michel, Vice-Chairman
State Library
Sollie B. Norwood, Chairman
Kathy Chism, Vice-Chairwoman
Scott DeLano, Chairman
Bart Williams, Vice-Chairman
Lydia Graves Chassaniol, Chairwoman
John Horhn, Vice-Chairman
Universities and Colleges
Rita Potts Parks, Chairwoman
Nicole Akins Boyd, Vice-Chairwoman
Veterans and Military Affairs
Joseph M. Seymour, Chairman
Scott DeLano, Vice-Chairman
Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks
Neil S. Whaley, Chairman
Ben Suber, Vice-Chairman
An updated list of Committee members will be posted on the Legislature’s website, www.legislature.ms.gov. For more information on Lieutenant Governor Delbert Hosemann, visit www.ltgovernorhosemann.ms.gov.
Press Release