President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden appeared together for the first in a series of presidential debates on Tuesday night. Fox News’ Chris Wallace moderated the exchange.
Congressmen Bennie Thompson and Michael Guest offered their pre-debate thoughts on WJTV.
If you missed the debate, you can view it here:
Reaction is rolling in from Mississippi leaders on their assessment of the debate. See what they had to say below:
Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith:
“Tonight’s debate was a clear demonstration as to why those who want to keep America great must turn out and vote this November 3.
“President Trump has brought better-paying jobs to our communities, strengthened our families, kept our country safe, and returned the rule of law to our courts, and he will continue to do so as our Commander in Chief for the next four years.
“He is the leader to take us back to our pre-pandemic growth. In stark contrast, Joe Biden has moved too far to the left for even most Democrats to be comfortable with, opening the door for socialist ideals, including Medicare for All, the Green New Deal, and an activist judicial takeover that bypasses Congress to impose a radicalized agenda.”
Governor Tate Reeves:
Congressman Bennie Thompson
Donald Trump and his lack of manners was on full display at the Presidential Debate.
— Bennie G. Thompson (@BennieGThompson) September 30, 2020
State Rep. Zakiya Summers:
This debate needs a black woman to moderate this foolishness. #Debates2020
— Rep. Zakiya Summers (@zakiyasummers) September 30, 2020
State Rep. Shanda Yates:
State Rep. Jeramey Anderson:
Wait is Trump debating the moderator or @JoeBiden I’m so confused 👀 https://t.co/kpM1a12sDW
— Rep. Jeramey Anderson (@jerameyanderson) September 30, 2020
Tupelo Mayor Jason Shelton:
The election is way beyond Democrat vs. Republican. It is about decent vs. indecent. Donald Trump is an indecent human who has no business being in a leadership position in the United States of America. He is an unhinged lunatic. We are better than Donald Trump.
— Jason Shelton (@jasonformiss) September 30, 2020