Coming up on September 22, some Mississippians will have the opportunity to vote for new House and Senate members. Below is what you need to know if you think this election might apply to your district.
Seats on the ballot include:
Senate District 39, which represents Copiah, Lawrence, Lincoln and Walthall Counties.
The candidates for this non-partisan election include Jason Barrett, Beth Brown, Cindy Bryan, Mike Campbell, Josh Davis, Ben Johnson, Prentiss Smith, Michael Smith and Bill Sones.
The seat was recently vacated by Republican Senator Sally Doty who was appointed to the Public Utilities Staff by Governor Tate Reeves.
Senate District 15, which represents Choctaw, Montgomery, Oktibbeha, and Webster counties.
The candidates for this non-partisan election include Joyce Meek Yates, Bricklee Miller, Levon Murphy Jr and Bart Williams.
The seat was recently vacated after the retirement of long-time Republican Senator Gary Jackson.
House District 37, which represents Clay, Lowndes and Oktibbeha counties.
The candidates for this non-partisan election include David Chism, Vicky Rose and Lynn Wright.
Representative Gary Chism (R) resigned from his seat in the House in June of 2020. He cited family medical issues that brought him to the decision not to serve out the four year term.
House District 66, which represents Hinds county.
The candidates for this non-partisan election are Gregory Divinity, Bob Lee Jr., Fabian Nelson, Kathryn Perry, De’Keither Stamps and Calvin Williams.
The seat was vacated by Democrat Jarvis Dortch after he took a position with the American Civil Liberties Union as the new Executive Director for Mississippi.
The election for currently vacant House District 87, will take place in November during the general election.
If you live in one of these districts and aren’t sure of poling locations you can contact your local circuit clerk for more information.
Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on September 22 for the election.