CLARION LEDGER – Delbert Hosemann: Focusing on our common goal to reach Mississippi’s full potential
My first objective was to set up personal meetings with each and every one of our 52 senators, Republicans and Democrats. Forty-five meetings in, I am so encouraged by our discussions. I’ve learned a lot about my new colleagues’ professional and personal backgrounds, the needs in their districts, their preference on committee assignments, and their individual legislative goals.
I’ve also learned no matter our political differences, we all have a common goal: seeing Mississippi rise to its fullest potential.
During this transition period, we are also making headway on fulfilling a primary platform promise by increasing transparency at the State Capitol. In partnership with the Legislative Budget Office and Mississippi Public Broadcasting, we are working on piloting a program on the Senate side to webcast committee meetings in addition to floor debate. This will be the first time ever Senate committees have been available by webcast.
GREENWOOD COMMONWEALTH – Op-Ed on MS Democrats: From the dominate to the dominated
Op-ed: Tim Kalich says the Democrats are done as a statewide force in Mississippi, and it may take a generation or longer before that changes. https://t.co/o9cKrydh3c
— gwcommonwealth (@gwcommonwealth) November 30, 2019
WTVA – Mississippi judges appointed to hear 8 election challenges
The Mississippi Supreme Court has appointed judges to hear challenges in eight local elections.
County supervisor races are being challenged in Jasper, Leflore, Madison, Monroe and Washington counties.
Elections for chancery clerk and circuit clerk are disputed in Quitman County.
The sheriff’s race is being challenged in Yalobusha County.
WLOX – Mississippi chair-maker builds sixth chair for U.S. President
Mississippi chair-maker builds sixth chair for a U.S. president https://t.co/oscp7vdjpu
— WLOX (@WLOX) November 30, 2019