Today, the U.S. House of Representatives passed my legislation, H.R. 1615, the Verification Alignment and Service-disabled Business Adjustment Act, also known as the VA-SBA Act.
This common-sense legislation transfers the verification of service-disabled veteran-owned small businesses from Veterans Affairs (VA) to the Small Business Administration (SBA). This will unify the two programs and prevent fraud and abuse of the system while also protecting our veterans and their businesses.
Representative Kelly commented, “The VA-SBA Act marks the next significant step towards streamlining the two programs under one umbrella at the Small Business Administration and reduces red tape and confusion for veteran small business owners who wish to do business with the federal government.”
Congressman Trent Kelly represents Mississippi’s First Congressional District. Rep. Kelly is a member of the House Armed Services Committee, serving as the Ranking Member of the Military Personnel Subcommittee. Rep. Kelly also serves on the House Agriculture Committee. This is his third term.
Congressman Trent Kelly Press Release