A poll released yesterday by the Jim Hood campaign from Hickman Analytics, a DC-based Democrat-leaning polling outfit, shows the long anticipated race for governor as close.
Hickman hangs its hat on helping Democrats. Names like John Edwards, Ray Mabus, Mike Moore, Bob Kerry and Jim Hood adorn their client list. According to campaign finance filings from May 2019, the Hood camp had paid Hickman over $103,000 for “Consulting”.
They had released another poll that the mainstream media fawned over earlier in the cycle showing their client up 45-40 over Reeves.
Their new poll essentially calls the race a statistical tie with Hood at 43 and Reeves at 42 among all likely voters. The pollsters did acknowledge that they weighted the poll results for demographics.
However, the Hood campaign did not provide more information on the demographics of the poll or how questions to voters were phrased upon request.
An independently conducted poll commissioned by Y’all Politics in June showed a different story. Among likely voters, it showed right track/wrong track of 49/31. It also correctly predicted that (for the first time ever) voters planned to vote in the Republican primary than the Democrat primary in greater numbers 56/36.
With regards to the General Election matchup, Reeves was polled at 48, Hood at 36 and David Singletary at 4% with 12% undecided.
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