WTVA – Waller comes calling on North Mississippi after making GOP runoff
It was an appearance scheduled several weeks ago, so the timing could not have been better.
Bill Waller Jr. spoke to Monroe County Republicans Thursday evening at a restaurant near Amory just a couple of days after clinching a spot in the party’s primary runoff for governor.
The former chief justice of the Mississippi Supreme Court laid out his positions on multiple issues, including raising the gas tax to pay for road and bridge improvements.
Prior to his appearance, he indicated an endorsement from state Representative Robert Foster may be forthcoming.
WLOX – DeLano will contest Newman’s 1 vote lead in District 50 Senate race
During Wednesday’s affidavit ballot count, the Biloxi councilwoman pulled ahead of her opponent. The tables turned when a thumb drive, one of two from the the North Bay Precinct, turned up and it was determined it had not been counted. When the votes on that drive were counted, Newman pulled ahead by one vote.
Gov. Bryant, Lt. Gov. Reeves support ICE, US Attorney Hurst
If you are here illegally violating federal laws, you have to bear the responsibility of that federal violation. I think @ICEgov is doing a great job, and I think @USAttyHurst is doing exactly what he should be doing, and I commend him for it. https://t.co/cj9OmcAllE
— Phil Bryant (@PhilBryantMS) August 8, 2019
Glad to see that ICE is working hard to enforce our immigration laws. 680 aliens detained in Mississippi today. We must enforce our laws, for the safety of all Americans. Well done @USAttyHurst and @realDonaldTrump.
— Tate Reeves (@tatereeves) August 7, 2019
WDAM – Nearly 300 detained in ICE raids released, officials confirm
271 of those detained in immigration raids around the state have been sent home according to a spokesman from Homeland Security Investigation.
Jere Miles Special Agent in Charge for ICE New Orleans (includes Mississippi) says that 387 people remain in custody. 43 were released at the site.
18 juveniles were picked up in raids and released, one as young as 14.
Those released were taken back to their place of work, where they were picked up.
Congressman Thompson says ICE raids “unnecessary”
This massive unnecessary ICE raid was a show of force that will have an enormous, long-term impact on communities in Mississippi. https://t.co/hxvYKyCrJd
— Bennie G. Thompson (@BennieGThompson) August 8, 2019
“This is another form of family separation – and an unfortunate common thread in this Administration’s cruel immigration policies.”
Read Chairman @BennieGThompson‘s statement on the Trump Administration’s ICE raid in Mississippi: https://t.co/gZXXp2kWdO pic.twitter.com/u6L6Ve9Vet
— House Homeland Security Committee (@HomelandDems) August 8, 2019
Congressman Palazzo commends ICE
I commend our federal agents for upholding the rule of law and ensuring public safety. We are a nation of laws and all who are and wish to be in the United States must abide by those laws. https://t.co/sE7pyrHp0o
— Cong. Steven Palazzo (@CongPalazzo) August 7, 2019
Dem State Rep. Anderson releases statement on ICE raids
We have seen the videos of children crying for their parents, which suggest that the state had not properly thought through how to handle dozens of terrified children. That’s a shame, a shame that should not be repeated. See my full statement below: #ICEraids #MS pic.twitter.com/KeYhZVSinv
— Rep. Jeramey Anderson (@jerameyanderson) August 8, 2019
WTOK – Noxubee County votes in a new Sheriff
A former Noxubee County chief deputy will have a new badge and a new title in January. Tommy Roby won nearly 62 percent of the vote in the sheriff’s race Tuesday.
Roby defeated incumbent and two term Sheriff Terry Grassaree.
Roby has been at the Macon Police Department for three years. He’s also the Noxubee County School District’s assistant school security chief.
WJTV – Coffee with Mayor Flaggs
WLBT – Gov. Bryant’s Chief of Staff Joey Songy entering private sector
Gov. Phil Bryant’s Chief of Staff Joey Songy has decoded to pursue private sector opportunities.
This new opportunity will start August 31st.
During the past seven years, Songy has served in the positions of Chief of Staff, Counsel, and Policy Director in Bryant’s administration.
“I am deeply grateful for the dedication and care given to our administration and the state of Mississippi by Joey Songy,” Gov. Phil Bryant said.
Gov. Phil Bryant Chief of Staff @JoeySongy entering private sector. pic.twitter.com/bDVoQ0pr3U
— Phil Bryant (@PhilBryantMS) August 8, 2019
WLBT – Consider This: Revamp the Driver License Program
As we have discussed many times, the current model is broken and dysfunctional. Something needs to change. The responsibilities currently fall under the Department of Public Safety, however, if they were not responsible for licensing, the department could focus exclusively on the Mississippi Highway Patrol, the state Crime Lab and other areas of responsibility that directly impact public safety.
Issuing driver licenses is more of an administrative responsibility, like many of the other areas of oversight in the Secretary of State’s office. Over the years, Delbert Hosemann has done an impressive job of creating efficient and effective systems to manage the myriad of items that fall under his office. The same can also happen for driver licenses.