YP – New Y’all Politics poll shows Tate Reeves leading primary and general election ballots
Polling from Impact Management Group commissioned by Y’all Politics shows Lt. Governor Tate Reeves with a substantial advantage in the Republican gubernatorial primary as well as holding a 12 point advantage in a hypothetical matchup (48/36 with 12% undecided) over Attorney General Jim Hood.
The poll was done with live callers (as opposed to IVR polling) with appropriate splits between land line and cell phone. It tested likely voters on several questions including their preferences in voting in a primary, Right Track/Wrong Track, Republican gubernatorial primary ballot, and two hypothetical general election ballots.
Hyde-Smith helps block Senate Democrats’ partisan campaign finance bill
Today I blocked an effort by Senate Democrats to bypass regular order, shutdown public debate, and force Senate passage of legislation related to information gathered during campaigns. pic.twitter.com/Bi6CdmGaHp
— U.S. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (@SenHydeSmith) June 25, 2019
My full statement here: https://t.co/qdZMZfKJuo pic.twitter.com/U6q991xNOQ
— U.S. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (@SenHydeSmith) June 25, 2019
WXXV – Governor candidate Bill Waller Jr. on the coast to discuss Bonnet Carre spillway
Reeves launches 2nd Amendment Coalition
This week, Tate Reeves made a special announcement about a new coalition in his race for Mississippi governor in Northeast Mississippi. Get all the details in this episode of Mississippi Minute. #msgov #mselex https://t.co/zjEUKhAdhL
— Tate Reeves (@tatereeves) June 25, 2019
DAILY JOURNAL – Governor candidates believe DA will heed Flowers court ruling
At a Union County campaign stop Monday, Waller told the Daily Journal he has full confidence Evans will make the appropriate decision about how to proceed.
“I think the decision is in Mr. Doug Evans’ court,” Waller said. “I have got confidence in Mr. Evans’ ability to make the right decision. I think we need to start there and see what he does. I think Mr. Flowers can get a fair trial there. I think that the message from the U.S. Supreme Court is loud and clear. So, I’m confident that the process will end in an appropriate manner.”…
…Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves also said he would refrain from saying whether Evans should step aside. Speaking Monday during a campaign event in Tupelo at Trigger Time Indoor Shooting Center, Reeves expressed more concern about any involvement by incumbent Attorney General Jim Hood, who is a Democrat now running for governor.
“I would not want this attorney general to step in and do anything with his liberal policies,” Reeves said.
Robert Foster, the third Republican candidate for governor, did not know many specifics about the case, but said that all people deserve a fair trial.
CLARION LEDGER – Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith: Appropriations process should protect pro-life policies
Protecting the unborn is a cause that is near and dear to millions of Americans. I believe all children, including the unborn, have a God-given right to life. While states and the courts continue to fight over Roe v. Wade and its ramifications, there are actions Congress must take to preserve policies that protect the unborn and reject attempts to undermine them.
The majority of pro-life protections we have at the federal level are a part of the annual appropriations process. In fact, last year’s funding bills contained dozens of pro-life provisions, including the Hyde Amendment, which bars hard-earned taxpayer dollars from paying for abortion or abortion services…
…We also have to make sure that our federal taxpayer dollars do not fund unethical research using fetal tissue from unborn children who have been aborted. The Trump administration has investigated federally-funded fetal tissue research and is working to ensure taxpayer dollars do not go to purchase fetal tissue from abortions. Additionally, the National Institutes of Health is investing up to $20 million over the next two years to develop better alternatives to research using fetal tissue from abortions.
WJTV – Mississippi employer payrolls set new record high in May
WTVA – Mississippi casinos continue to win more from gamblers
Casino revenues rose in Mississippi in May, as gambling halls continued their streak of winning more since sports betting was legalized.
Figures show gamblers lost $184 million in May, almost 2% more than in the same month in 2018.
That includes $1.2 million in sports betting revenue at casinos.
Congressman Thompson comments on resignation of CBP Acting Commissioner
“It is quite clear that bad actors in the White House are doing all they can to strong-arm the Department of Homeland Security and stand in the way of any progress or agreeable solution.”
Chairman @BennieGThompson‘s statement on Acting @CBP Commissioner Sanders’ resignation: pic.twitter.com/p4qXYhTtKf
— House Homeland Security Committee (@HomelandDems) June 25, 2019
WTOK – Voter registration deadline approaching
WDAM – Hyde-Smith backs access to breast cancer screening legislation
U.S. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith announced Tuesday that she is cosponsoring a bill that would ensure access to breast cancer screenings for women in their 40s.
Hyde-Smith said the legislation would halt a federal recommendation that would limit insurance coverage for lifesaving breast cancer screenings. The Protecting Access to Lifesaving Screenings Act of 2019 would “require a more permanent on U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommendations that effectively limit insurance coverage for breast cancer screenings for women in their 40s,” according to Hyde-Smith’s office.
WCBI – Low response to census could have consequences in Mississippi
Pascagoula Mayor Maxwell attends White House summit with local leaders
Gray Washington News Bureau reports: The White House is hosting a summit with local elected officials to talk about intergovernmental issues Tuesday. Leaders were invited to Washington to meet with administration officials on top priorities for supporting communities.
Local elected officials had the opportunity to discuss how the federal, state and local governments can collaborate more effectively on disaster recovery and resilience, energy development, combating the opioid crisis, economic opportunity zones and trade.
Watch the interview with Pascagoula Mayor Dane Maxwell here.
HATTIESBURG AMERICAN – No vacations. Summer school. Struggling third-graders have one last chance on reading test
More than one out of four third graders statewide failed the first round of Mississippi’s literacy promotion test, after tougher grading standards were implemented this year.
Initially, close to 9,000 were at risk of having to repeat the third grade.
Education officials say the test requires students to demonstrate that they are “approaching grade level skills” in order to pass. In the past, third-graders had to make a basic or level two score in order to pass.
With the final retest of Mississippi’s literacy promotion exam approaching, school officials in Holmes County embraced forging family partnerships over scolding, judging the reasons for sparse attendance.
WLOX – Moss Point alderman files $1 million lawsuit against city’s mayor
A Moss Point alderman is suing the city’s mayor over a dispute that happened last year, saying his constitutional rights were violated.
Ennit Morris filed the lawsuit against Mayor Mario King in circuit court earlier this month saying he suffered physical, emotional and mental distress over a dispute with the mayor.
Because the lawsuit names King as mayor acting in his official capacity, it is essentially a claim against the city itself, said city attorney Amy St. Pe.