Today’s bill of the day would require Child Protection Services to contact the appropriate Military Installation Family Advocacy Program, if abuse or neglect is reported in a foster home with one or more active duty parent or caretaker.
SB 2048 was authored by Senator Younger to amend current language in CPS’S responsibility on reporting abuse and or neglect to a child.
The bill reads:
In addition, if the Department of Child Protection Services determines that a parent or other person responsible for the care or welfare of an abused or neglected child maintains active duty status within the military, the department shall notify the applicable military installation family advocacy program that there is an allegation of abuse or neglect that relates to that child.
In the event abuse or neglect is found or made apparent it is standard procedure that CPS notify local law enforcement and appropriate prosecutor within 48 hours to begin an investigation into the allegations.
The bill was referred to Public Health and Welfare.