Tuesday, in Poplarville, an animated Chris McDaniel varied a bit off his stump speech and delivered a diatribe on Donald Trump supporters who back his Republican opponent in the upcoming US Senate special election race in Mississippi. In a bit of a mocking tone, he delivered the following.
And it’s mind boggling to me . . . and I see on Facebook people will say – “If she’s good enough for Trump she’s good enough for me” well – I mean, that’s the answer? You were – just two years ago you were anti-establishment and you were ready to drain the swamp. Now you’re saying “I’m with the establishment”?
The entire speech is here. The comments are shortly after the 31:00 mark.
McDaniel campaign spokesman Tanner Watson explained, “I’m confident that on election day, the same Mississippians who voted for Donald Trump to drain the swamp will not vote for a former lobbyist, lifelong Democrat, and the Swamp’s hand-selected pick. The people of Mississippi will not vote to block President Trump’s America First agenda by voting for Cindy Hyde-Smith.”
Cindy Hyde-Smith campaign spokeswoman Melissa Scallan said, “This video us just another illustration of what we’ve always known about Chris McDaniel. He doesn’t really support President Donald Trump, and he mocks those who do. McDaniel thinks he’s the authority on who’s conservative and who’s establishment, constantly wanting to change whichever labels he thinks works in a speech. It’s all hollow rhetoric, and Mississippians have grown tired of it.”