“Mississippi Misses You.” These were the words inscribed on black rubber bracelets put in the hands of hundreds of Mississippi Guardsmen and women who were deployed last spring.
They were given by Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann. He left for Kuwait on Monday to meet with those currently serving. He said those he’s visiting with took over for a full time Army unit and are doing some phenomenal things.
“I told them how proud we are of them, that they would disrupt their lives for a year and come here,” said Hosemann.
Most importantly, Secretary Hosemann wanted to talk to them about voting. These men and women won’t be back for the November 6 election, in fact they might not even be home from Christmas this year, but Hosemann said we want to make sure they are able to cast their ballot.
Mississippi is one of the leading states in assisting active Military on voting. Through the Secretary of State’s website, Y’all Vote, Mississippi’s active military are able to request an electronic ballot and send it back to their own Circuit Clerk’s office. Whether they be from Hinds, Desoto, or Tishimingo counties.
Secretary Hosemann said they were able to meet with multiple large groups of soldiers to explain the process.
“One soldier came back to me and said ‘I used it, got a ballot back in 8 hours and I’ve already cast my ballot.’ I’m very pleased to see that,” said Hosemann. “They haven’t had any trouble with it and that’s an amazing thing.”
Hosemann said regardless of if these soldiers are out of the country or not it is important to him that they are able to vote.
He spoke very highly of the men and women he interacted with on the trip. He referred to an online survey given to businesses in Mississippi about what they want to see out of a future employee. Hosemann said they all prioritized wanting to see integrity and the ability to communicate out of someone they want to hire.
“These men and women here have that times 100,” said Hosemann.

One of Hosemann’s own was deployed last spring. Preston Goff, who is a senior attorney in the SOS office Policy Division. Secretary Hosemann was able to spend some time with him the first day he was there. His office has a Meal Train going for Goff’s family in which they make one or two meals for his wife a week, make sure his kids have birthday and Christmas gifts, and help out with other things. The Secretary’s office has also encouraged other government agencies and workplaces to do the same thing.
During this election season Circuit Clerks offices all throughout the state are sporting yellow ribbons in honor of those currently deployed protecting our nation.
“I really think if every Mississippian could have spent these last few days watching these men and women and seeing what they do, I guarantee not one person would miss the chance to vote”