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YP Daily Roundup 8/28/18

YP Daily Roundup 8/28/18

By: Magnolia Tribune - August 28, 2018

WLBT – Mississippi lawmakers continue looking for infrastructure funding in day three of special session – Jackson, MS

Speaker Gunn calls passage of infrastructure bill “historic”


WLOX – Mississippi Senate OKs lottery, House says no

The Mississippi Senate has passed a bill that would create a state lottery.

Working late Monday, 31 senators voted for the bill and 17 voted against it.

The vote came shortly after the House killed the same bill, with 60 voting against the bill and 54 voting for it. The vote was initially announced as 61 opposed and 53 in favor, but one representative went from no to yes.

Gov. Bryant on lottery failure in MS House


MS Democrat response to Gov. Bryant


House Democrat leader Baria on why they flipped their votes on lottery


Wicker says US Senate making progress on funding bills


Gov. Bryant orders flags to half-staff for McCain


CLARION LEDGER – Appeal over charter school funding heats up

Hinds County Chancery Judge Dewayne Thomas ruled in February that diversions of local property taxes to charter schools are acceptable. But the inevitable appeal to the state Supreme Court is now in motion.

In recent weeks, the plaintiffs, plus three supporting groups have filed briefs with the Mississippi high court asking justices to overturn Thomas’ decision and rule that transfers of local property taxes violate the state Constitution.

The state is asking to delay its reply until October, and a decision by the court is unlikely before 2019.

The plaintiffs are a group of Jackson property owners who have children in traditional public schools in the city. They say the transfers are draining money away from the Jackson district, even as it faces fixed costs that it can’t cut as rapidly as students are decreasing. Mississippi now has five charter schools, four in Jackson and one in Clarksdale.

WTOK – Scalise helps raise money for Mississippi GOP

U.S. House Majority Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana is helping fellow Republicans in neighboring Mississippi raise money for this November’s elections.

Scalise, a potential candidate for U.S. House speaker if Republicans maintain their majority, spoke Monday in Jackson to a Republican luncheon.

Before the luncheon, Scalise appeared briefly before reporters with GOP congressional candidate Michael Guest, who’s running to succeed retiring U.S. Rep. Gregg Harper, also a Republican, in a central Mississippi district.

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.