Charlie Mitchell explores uneasy peace between Mike Espy and Bennie Thompson
It is altogether right and proper that Espy should welcome Thompson’s endorsement and for Espy to expect a majority of black Mississippians to support him when he faces the two well-known white candidates, U.S. Sen Cindy Hyde-Smith and state Sen. Chris McDaniel in the nonpartisan special election.
But no one should harbor any notion that these two black men, Thompson and Espy, have anything more in common than any two random white men.
Thompson tosses grenades and walks away. Espy invites people to the table to share ideas. Thompson takes grains of truth and spins them into grievances. Espy takes what’s offered as truth, then seeks verification and solutions.
The biggest negative for Espy will be that he left the Clinton Administration under a cloud. Truth is, that members of Congress can accept all kinds of favors that Executive officials cannot. Espy learned the hard way, immediately admitted what he did — didn’t try to deny or hide anything. Social media being social media, there are already sporadic comments that he’s corrupt, took bribes and such. He’ll have to weather that, but he shouldn’t have to weather any comparison to Thompson. They are completely different people.
Democrats eek out a 4 point win to hold what should be a safe house seat in the HD30 Special election
BREAKING: Tracey Rosebud has won the special election in HD30 for the Mississippi House. Congratulations, Tracey! pic.twitter.com/38ER9oszkm
— Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (@TheDLCC) May 30, 2018
Five qualify to run for Andy Gipson’s House seat
The State Board of Election Commissioners has just announced that five candidates have qualified to run in the special election to fill the seat in House District 77.
Cliff Brown, Hayes Patrick, Christopher R. “Chris” Purdum, Cemper Scott, and Price Wallace will face off in the special election set for July 10th.
Fish tales end trout season
Mississippi Department of Marine Resources Executive Director Joe Spraggins announced Tuesday that the second half of the state’s commercial fishing season for speckled trout, a much-sought species along the Gulf Coast, won’t happen.
That’s because officials believe commercial fishermen didn’t fully report their catches from the first half of the season.
Spokeswoman Melissa Scallan said the closure doesn’t affect recreational and charter fishermen, who must adhere to certain size limits for speckled trout.
Santorum visits Jackson for opening of addiction treatment clinic
Sen. Rick Santorum joined us today in Jackson for the opening of Mississippi’s third location of Pathway Healthcare.
Changing the stigma with addiction is something we must continue to do and providing treatment for those among us that most need it. pic.twitter.com/SgTR3H27CR
— Phil Bryant (@PhilBryantMS) May 29, 2018