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YP Daily Roundup 3/7/18

YP Daily Roundup 3/7/18

By: Magnolia Tribune - March 7, 2018

THE HILL – Mississippi is new headache for GOP in the South

“There’s concern and the concern is focused on three states: Mississippi, Arizona and Nevada,” said a Republican senator who requested anonymity to discuss internal political discussions about the prospects of defending the Senate GOP majority.

The lawmaker added that Joe Arpaio, the former Maricopa County, Ariz., sheriff who became famous for cracking down on illegal immigration, is also a source of concern. Arpaio announced his candidacy for Flake’s seat in January.

The senator warned that what he described as the out-of-the-mainstream views of McDaniel, Ward, Tarkanian and Arpaio could tarnish the GOP’s brand.

Republican lawmakers worry that such anti-establishment conservatives could seize on antipathy toward McConnell in particular and Congress in general to gain political momentum and open the door for Democrats in runoff and general elections.

A second Republican senator warned that McDaniel, who has a history of making controversial political statements, could become an albatross for other Senate candidates in the same way that former Missouri Rep. Todd Akin (R) and former Indiana Treasurer Richard Mourdock were in the 2012 election.

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WJTV – McDaniel says he’s not linked to southern secession group

State Senator Chris McDaniel is the former host of a radio show and CNN uncovered that now-defunct program endorsed an organization associated with White Nationalism and racial hate speech.

The radio show and its website is now defunct, but listed under a section called Our Favorite Websites is a link to League of the South.

CNN reports, and WJTV has confirmed, that the group advocates for southern secession among other things.

We asked McDaniel today if he was associated with the league.

“I’m really not even familiar with the website,” he said. “That was probably 13 or 14 years ago and it could have been placed there by anybody I suppose. I have no idea. But I can tell you unequivocally that I am not associated with them in anyway whatsoever.”


WDAM – Mississippi’s unemployment rate falls to historic low and number of jobs rises to historic high

Mississippi’s unemployment rate fell in January 2018 to 4.6 percent, which is the lowest level of unemployment ever recorded in Mississippi.

The January rate is two-tenths of a percentage point lower than a month earlier in December 2017 and eight-tenths of a percentage point lower than a year ago in January 2017, when the rate was 5.4 percent.

The number of non-farm jobs in Mississippi rose by 600 in January to 1,162,600, which are the most jobs ever recorded in Mississippi.

CLARION LEDGER – How much could Mississippi’s accounting problems cost taxpayers?

State Auditor Stacey Pickering said Mississippi government has some glaring, systemic accounting problems it must address to protect taxpayers from fraud and abuse and keep the state’s credit rating healthy.

Pickering released the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the state for fiscal 2017. He said the report is a couple of months late because of problems with state agency accounting. He said $21 billion in corrections was required to balance the books from problems the audit found.

Pickering said that since the state implemented a new accounting system in 2014, his audits have uncovered more reportable problems or “findings,” up from one finding in 2013 to 27 for 2017.

DAILY JOURNAL – Transportation commissioner has concerns with Senate proposal

A Senate proposal touted as a major step in fixing Mississippi’s infrastructure system would in reality be a step backward in that effort, says Northern District Transportation Commissioner Mike Tagert…

…“This bill does nothing to benefit the state (transportation) system,” said Tagert, a Republican who stressed he was only speaking of the details of the bill and not about the Senate Republican leaders who introduced the proposal. “It is a step backward.”

All three members of the elected Transportation Commission have expressed reservations about the bill that cuts their funds and transfers some of their responsibilities to entities controlled by the governor.

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WLBT – Aldermen overturn previous ruling, allow Starkville Pride to hold parade

The Starkville Board of Alderman voted to allow Starkville Pride to hold a Pride Parade, overturning a previous ruling.

The vote passed 3-3 with 1 abstention. Mayor Spruill was forced to break the tie.

Ward 3 Alderman, David Little, chose to abstain, while Perkins, Vaughn and Carver voted against.

WJTV – Senators Wicker, Cochran praise effort to help MS cotton farmers

U.S. Senators Roger Wicker and Thad Cochran praise a USDA decision to help struggling cotton farmers.

Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue’s decision to take administrative action will help producers say the senators.

The senators released a joint statement explaining details of the one-time assistance. The plan is to help farmers until a new federal farm bill can be crafted.


WJTV – Senator Wicker meets with levee boards; pledges support as floodwaters rise

It’s been 90 years since the enactment of the Flood Control Act of 1928. Despite almost a century of flood control projects, the Mighty Mississippi continues to pose threats to citizens along its’ banks.

As waters rise in the Mississippi and Yazoo river basins, levee board commissioners met with Senator Roger Wicker in D.C. to see what can be done to mitigate potential damage.

Wicker promised support for additional flood control infrastructure in the state.

WDAM – Lumberton police chief resigns after release of pot-smoking video

The Lumberton Board of Aldermen voted to accept the resignation of Police Chief Shane Flynt, effective immediately, during Tuesday’s meeting.

Flynt was suspended with pay last week after WDAM released a video showing Flynt smoking what he implied to be marijuana.

“I’m only chief of police in Lumberton that likes to smoke weed,” Flynt said while holding a pipe, the video shows.

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.