Hancock Co. DHS probe may rely on handwriting analysis amid alleged ‘data dump’
HANCOCK COUNTY – A key document missing from a Department of Human Services case has for months hindered the Sheriff’s Office’s investigation into allegations of DHS workers forging documents, but investigators learned last week they could submit a photocopy for forensic analysis in the hopes of moving the case forward.
The problem investigators struggled with was finding the original ink-on-paper document, which was used against Mindy Stiglet in court to take her child into state custody, Sheriff Ricky Adam said….
…State Rep. David Baria, chairman of Hancock’s Youth Court Task Force, said he’s not familiar with the DHS policy on maintaining documents but said it seems unusual for such an important document to be missing.
“It seems to me like they ought to be keeping these documents,” Baria said. “We’re talking about documents that are likely confidential and oftentimes used in court proceedings, so it makes sense they would have an obligation to keep them.”