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MS First Lady gives deploying Guardsmen...

MS First Lady gives deploying Guardsmen gift, prayers

By: Magnolia Tribune - May 28, 2015

Soldiers depart farewell service with gift from First Lady Bryant

The 15 National Guardsmen, who deployed for Ft. Hood, Texas, Saturday morning, left with a special coin and a cross given to them by Mississippi’s First Lady Deborah Bryant following a farewell ceremony at First Baptist Church.

The governor’s wife gave each Guardsman a coin with the state flag on it and a cross to let them know that she would be praying for them.

“I even keep a list of the soldiers’ names in my Bible so I don’t forget to pray,” Bryant said. “I can’t be more proud of a group of men. It’s a privilege and I’m glad I could spend my time here.”

Fifteen from the National Guard’s 298th Corps Support Battalion deployed Saturday. The group will later be sent to one of three places overseas.

Neshoba Democrat


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