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@NRO Henry Barbour hit piece author...

@NRO Henry Barbour hit piece author apologizes and may “slightly amend’ conclusions #mssen

By: Magnolia Tribune - July 23, 2014

Clarification re Mississippi Mud

A second ad in this batch said the Senate race involved “an effort to roll back the hand of time” and said “we need to turn out in record numbers to push back against this tea-party effort.” It then went on (reasonably, in my opinion) to list ways in which the speaker thought incumbent Thad Cochran had reached out to black Mississippians through the years, before concluding that “he’s been good for black folk.”

I appreciate Barbour’s clarification, and apologize for any confusion. Without comment, I leave it to others to judge the messages in each of the ads.

At some point soon, I intend to revisit this entire subject, with the possibility of slightly amending some of my earlier conclusions.

National Review

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.