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@EWErickson laments Thad Cochran #mssen...

@EWErickson laments Thad Cochran #mssen win over Chris McDaniel but says he won ‘fair and square’

By: Magnolia Tribune - July 6, 2014

ERICKSON: The Marionettes’ strings

Thad Cochran is, for all intents and purposes, a marionette. His strings are pulled by staffers and lobbyists. They drop him onto the stage of the Senate and pull up a string to raise his hand. These puppeteers are so invested in keeping their gravy train going that they will, while claiming to be Republicans, flood a Republican primary with Obama voters to ensure their gravy train continues. There is nothing wrong with that. They won fair and square. They changed who the electorate was, which was allowed under the rules.

Erick Erickson
Macon Telegraph

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.