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‘About 100’ + @SenatorMcDaniel showed up for Flag-Wave, Hee-Haw Liberty Jubilee at MS Capitol #mssen

By: Magnolia Tribune - July 6, 2014

McDaniel backers rally as election challenge looms

The Ellisville Republican took the stage briefly, telling about 100 supporters that he was continuing his efforts to expose “lies” and “distortions” that the Cochran campaign used to drive black voters to the polls to vote for Cochran.

“There’s no way we will abandon this cause,” McDaniel said. “We will not leave our friends on the field of battle. Because when we’re done with this, the people of Mississippi will have their justice. They’ll have their honor. And the people of this country will finally have some answers.”

Clarion Ledger

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.