Miss. Tea Party Senate Candidate Retweets White Supremacist Account
The twitter account belonging to state Sen. Chris McDaniel (R-MS) retweeted a tweet from an account that appears to back a a hard-right Greek political party and regularly publishes white supremacist tweets.
The @senatormcdaniel twitter account on Sunday retweeted a message from RRSmith #WR (@rrsray).
The bio for the account says the author is located in “Occupied CSA.” The description reads: “Nationalist, staunch proponent of 2nd & 10th Amendment, GoldenDawn & Southern Nationalism.” Golden Dawn is a hard-right Greek political group that is often labeled fascist or neo-Nazi.
Tweets from the account regularly have to do with secession and black oppression of whites.
Talking Points Memo
It appears that the campaign has “un-reTweeted” the tweet.
RT-Support @senatormcdaniel in MS for 2014 @GOP primary, this man is like a breath of fresh air & supports our Bill of Rights fiercely
— RRSmith #WR (@rrsray) February 16, 2014
Here’s the screen capture from 2/18/14