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YP-HERE Enterprises (HRTE) stock...

YP-HERE Enterprises (HRTE) stock trading down over 50% since Mississippian Hal Neilson named as CEO

By: Magnolia Tribune - July 3, 2012

Little known penny stock Here Enterprises (NASDAQ: HRTE), which named Oxford, Mississippi native Hal Neilson as CEO on May 17, closed on July 2, 2012 at $.0003/share with a market cap of $245,700. That’s down from the May 17, 2012 (the day Neilson was named CEO) close of $.0008/share and from YP’s report on May 24, 2012. On that day HRTE closed at $.0006/share with a market cap of $491,400.

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.