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House colleagues boost Snowden’s...

House colleagues boost Snowden’s campaign

By: Magnolia Tribune - October 31, 2011

House colleagues boost Snowden’s campaign

Three good friends and colleagues from the Legislature joined me in Meridian on Saturday for some good ole fashioned door-to-door campaigning to push voter turnout. Rep. Mark Baker (R–Brandon), Rep. Gary Chism (R–Columbus), and former District 84 Rep. Eric Robinson (R–Quitman) canvassed precincts and urged residents to turn out at the ballot box for Greg Snowden on Tuesday, November 8.

To counter the shamelessly deceptive scare tactics employed this pre-Halloween season by Democrats all around the state, my House colleagues and I tongue-in-cheek waged our own “Operation Voter Treat,” dispensing candy reminders of the importance of supporting Greg Snowden a week from Tuesday. “Operation Voter Treat” continued Saturday evening in Enterprise, as hundreds of Clarke countians who turned out downtown for the annual Fall Festival were treated with a little something extra for their sweet tooths, courtesy of the Greg Snowden Campaign.

“This election is all about change; we are in a fight to secure much-needed conservative leadership for the House of Representatives after more than a century of Democratic domination,” said Baker. “Greg Snowden is one of our most effective Republican leaders, and no doubt will be given major responsibilities in the new House leadership. It is absolutely vital that District 83 voters send Greg back to Jackson. The political direction of the entire state may well depend upon the outcome of a single seat, as was the case four years ago.”

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Campaign to re-elect Greg Snowden

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.
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