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DGA’s Top Contributors Of 2012

DGA’s Top Contributors Of 2012

By: Magnolia Tribune - September 23, 2011

DGA’s Top Contributors Of 2012

With the Democratic Governors Association pledging $90,000 to Johnny DuPree, I thought it was worthwhile to look at the group’s contributors for this election cycle, technically the 2012 cycle.

In stark contrast to past years which were dominated by unions, particularly public sector unions, unions have cut back leaving those big, bad businesses atop their list. This generally includes pharmaceuticals, energy companies, telecoms, and even the Chamber of Commerce and Wal-Mart- the root of all evil to many Democratic activists. The top union contributor so far is the Laborers who have given a measly $150,000 compared to nearly $4 million from AFSCME in the 2010 cycle. So far, AFSCME has only been able to scrape up $100,000, although it is obviously early and there aren’t many races in 2011-12. But, if AFSCME is going to continue their string as top contributor which spans the past four election cycles, they have a way to go.

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.