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Billy Hewes claims ‘the tide has...

Billy Hewes claims ‘the tide has turned’ in LG race

By: Magnolia Tribune - June 17, 2011

The Tide Has Turned

Very often in campaigns, there are events that serve as indicators showing you are not only on the right track, but that the momentum is yours, and things are coming together according to plan. This does not happen simply because the candidate gets lucky. It happens because of the hard work of dedicated staff members, countless volunteers, generous supporters, and a candidate who has a solid foundation of character, work ethic, and experience that people can relate to – and believe in!
In our case there has not simply been one occasion, but a series of fortunate events in every corner of Mississippi that are serving to propel us to victory! We are winning the conventional wisdom war by outworking the opposition and having great turnouts at fundraisers, meet & greets, club meetings, and community festivals.

Girls and Boys State

Recently, I had the great privilege of speaking to both the Girls and Boys State programs at USM. We are developing some impressive leaders for Mississippi who are excited about what my vision of better educational opportunities and more jobs means for their future. One of the biggest indicators we have seen for our camp is the manner in which Mississippi’s business community is lining up with me. They have confidence in my tested abilities as a limited government, free markets, pro-business candidate. They know that I can bring about spending reforms in our agencies, more accountability within our budgeting process, more transparency in government spending and contracting, and lower taxes through the elimination of our inventory tax. However, the best indicator is having folks from all walks of life showing support for my candidacy no matter where I go!

At this point in the race, most people are just now starting to make up their mind about who to vote for, and when making comparisons, they like what I represent: Solid family values, a conservative record of leadership for Mississippi, and a reputation as an independent thinker ready to challenge the status quo. With the combination of my legislative and life experience, and my commitment and ability to handle the job of Lt. Governor, voters have a very clear choice in this race.

Billy Mounger & Billy Powell

Speaking of choices, we are pleased to have the support of both Billy Powell and Billy Mounger, two giants in the Mississippi Republican Party. Powell served as Party Chairman from 1993-1996, and Mounger is one of the founding leaders of Mississippi’s Republican Party. This support is a further indication that these gentleman know how critical it is for Mississippi to have proven, conservative leadership in the Lt. Governor’s office.

Family Matters

Paula and I are proud of our family and have enjoyed having them on the campaign trail with us. Of course, with our kids, there’s never a dull moment and recently, Sam – ever-quick on his feet, provided me with a classic retort about the campaign trail. A couple of months ago while attending an academic competition, he noticed a flyer for a Summer Camp. Our uninhibited one enthusiastically asked, “Hey Dad, can I go to a camp this summer?” I replied, “You bet! We’ve already signed you up for one.” He said, “Oh yeah?” To which I said, “Yeah, it’s a CAMPaign. You know, it has the word “Camp” in it?” Without hesitating, he retorted, “Yeah, it has the word “Pain” in it, too.” We’re having fun. Please continue to spread the word about this race. If you will tell your friends, family, and colleagues about me today, it will make a big difference come Election Day.

Billy Hewes campaign release

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.