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CL – Animal cruelty: New bill...

CL – Animal cruelty: New bill falls short

By: Magnolia Tribune - April 5, 2011

Animal cruelty: New bill falls short

Mississippi lawmakers have approved a strengthened animal abuse law, but it still falls short of penalties needed to curb and punish acts of extreme cruelty.

The bill, awaiting Gov. Haley Barbour’s signature, creates a new charge of aggravated cruelty for anyone who intentionally tortures, burns, starves or disfigures a dog or cat. The first offense is a misdemeanor. If another act occurs within five years, the person could be charged with a felony.

The bill doesn’t mention the word kill in its list of abuses. At least, a court can order restitution and require a psychiatric evaluation.

Clarion Ledger

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.