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CL – State agencies warn of...

CL – State agencies warn of crippling if more budgets cut

By: Magnolia Tribune - October 29, 2010

Budget: Collision of politics, policies

State agency leaders all say the same thing, whether those leaders represent higher education, K-12 schools, community colleges, the state’s mental health agency or the state’s only medical school. More budget cuts will have dire consequences on services.

That was the topic at a meeting at the Capitol on Tuesday between lawmakers and agency heads.

Those agency heads say the $600 million budget deficit predicted by Gov. Haley Barbour will cripple critical state services.

Barbour recently sent a letter to agency heads asking them to draft plans to cut 15 percent from their budgets as he prepares his 2012 executive budget recommendation.

“Eliminating unnecessary or inefficient programs, merging existing divisions or agencies and streamlining operations may be suggested,” the governor wrote.


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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.