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Bryant – Now is the worst time to...

Bryant – Now is the worst time to raise taxes

By: Magnolia Tribune - October 29, 2010


JACKSON — Given the current economic climate, Lt. Gov. Phil Bryant said it is the worst possible time to raise taxes.

“We continue to face tough economic times in our state. You have heard all the talk of generating revenue by raising taxes,” Bryant told a crowd of 500 people at Mississippi Economic Council’s Hobnob event. “I believe this is the worst possible time to raise taxes on Mississippi families and small businesses.”

Bryant also discussed the need for performance based budgeting, referred to as the “Smart Budget Act” which allocates resources based on results.

The Smart Budget Act is the result of a one year study by the Lt. Governor’s Commission for a New Mississippi. This model legislation brings strategic planning and performance together in the state’s appropriations process. It further encourages state government to be mission driven and goal oriented.

“The purpose of the performance budgeting process is to require budget decisions to be made based on whether state agencies are accomplishing expected results,” Bryant said.

The Smart Budget Act was introduced in the 2010 legislative session and passed overwhelmingly in the Senate but was not brought up in a House committee for discussion. Bryant intends to introduce the legislation again during the 2011 session.

The Lt. Gov. concluded his speech by discussing the State’s success in recent economic development initiatives.

“Even in these tough economic times, Mississippi continues to be on the leading edge of economic development. From the announcement of KiOR that will produce a high-quality renewable crude oil from trees to the Mississippi Power Clean Coal Gasification project in Kemper County, we have shown the nation the competitive nature of our technology sector.”



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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.
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