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NUNNELEE – North Mississippi...

NUNNELEE – North Mississippi children’s future mortgaged by Congress

By: Magnolia Tribune - August 12, 2010

North Mississippi children’s future mortgaged by Congress

Called back into session from around the country, Congress passed a $26 billion Stimulus II spending bill yesterday in Washington, DC. The controversial bill has drawn criticism for adding billions to the deficit, permanently raising taxes, and bankrupting state governments, all while a 9.5% unemployment rate persists across the country.

“First our Congressman voted for the liberal leadership team of Nancy Pelosi who authored and brought this bill to the floor. Then he voted for Stimulus I – a $787 billion spending bill that cost more than the Iraq War and saddled our children with unprecedented debt. Now he’s voted for Stimulus II. None of those votes fit with North Mississippi values,” said Morgan Baldwin, Nunnelee for Congress spokesperson.

The Pelosi leadership team promised Stimulus I would hold unemployment below 8%, but that promise proved impossible to keep under the weight of new government debt. North Mississippi’s current unemployment rate now sits above 12%.

Budget deficits are predicted to be around $1 trillion per year for the foreseeable future at this Congress’ current rate of spending.

“Our Congressman claims to be looking out for the children of North Mississippi. How, then, can he justify mortgaging their future on massive spending bills that have failed to live up to their promises to create jobs?” added Baldwin.

“North Mississippi needs a real plan to protect the future of our children and grandchildren, not a smoke screen. Is today’s announcement just an effort by our Congressman to deflect the fact that he voted yesterday to saddle our children and grandchildren with another $26 billion in spending and a mountain of debt?”

Alan Nunnelee Press Release – MS-01

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.