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MDD – Shock and Awe hits Archery...

MDD – Shock and Awe hits Archery Hunters

By: Magnolia Tribune - June 24, 2010

Shock and Awe hits Archery Hunters

Reportedly as the news is getting out that bow hunters are stunned. I can well imagine. It has always been rather assumed that during any set “weapons” season that the lessor of a legal manner to take deer would be allowed. Hence bows and black powder guns could be used during the regular gun seasons. This may no longer be the case until the legislature is able to amend the current laws with new inclusive language if that can be done.

Also out of the AG’s office today is a legal opinion that the MDWF&P does have the authority to regulate the use of crossbows being allowed during archery seasons on state operated wildlife management areas.

MS Digital Daily

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