Watchdog – Hood joins Republicans in fight against EPA regulations
RICHMOND—A dozen Republican and Democrat attorneys-general have joined Ken Cuccinelli in his fight against the Environmental Protection Agency’s regulation of greenhouse gases.
“Attorney General Bruning of Nebraska is circulating a motion to intervene on our side of the case,” the Virginia Attorney General Cuccinelli told The Old Dominion Watchdog during an interview in his office on Friday. “And I think you will see bipartisan support for the effort.”
“When we are done, I hope we will have over ten on our side,” the Republican said.
On Thursday, Bruning released a statement announcing he and the attorneys general of 11 other states have filed motions to challenge the EPA’s December ruling that said carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases from power plants, cars and factories “threaten the public health and welfare of the American people.”
“This finding is the first step toward expansive regulation of greenhouse gases that will adversely affect states and their economies,” Bruning said, in a written statement.
Last month, Cuccinnelli asked a federal appeals court in the District of Columbia to review the EPA’s ruling. Texas and Alabama also filed challenges on the same day.
Now, the federal court has grouped together the appeals from all 15 states, filed by 13 Republicans and two Democrats: Democrat James Caldwell of Louisiana and Jim Hood of Mississippi.
The motions come after coalition of 16 states and New York City in December asked a federal appeals court to allow it to intervene in a lawsuit attacking U.S. EPA’s stance.