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Ex-Colt Moore’s ‘real...

Ex-Colt Moore’s ‘real story’ grabs students’ attention

By: Magnolia Tribune - February 20, 2009

Ex-Colt Moore’s ‘real story’ grabs students’ attention

He’s 75 years old, so his gait is understandably slowed. His energy and his message are not. Lenny Moore held the microphone a bit too close to his mouth as he began: “I’m very pleased I’ve been given the invite to come here. You need to know the real story.”

His words are measured, and his cadence slow and rhythmic, each pause hinting that something big might be coming next.
I’m not sure there has ever been a group of sixth-, seventh- and eighth-graders that sat so quietly. You could’ve told them the Xbox factory closed, that Disney World had permanently chained its gates, that their birthdays had been canceled because of the struggling economy.

They wouldn’t have budged. Moore had their attention.

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.