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Florida Gators 49, Georgia Bulldogs...

Florida Gators 49, Georgia Bulldogs 10….Interesting Piece

By: Magnolia Tribune - November 3, 2008

Florida Gators 49, Georgia Bulldogs 10….Interesting Piece

There are several ways of looking at this, all of which presently are vying for the upper hand in my head and heart. These are they:
It’s Just a Game: With the exception of the couple of since-banned Gator trolls whose immediate reaction to the game was to visit this weblog, sign up for user accounts, and post cheap taunts because they’re the sorts of pathetic people who would rather make others feel badly than celebrate events that make them feel well (and who very much represent the exception to the rule, as the Florida fans who have been visiting and commenting here for the past week generally have been impassioned fans yet fine people), we all have much more important things in our lives than football. We have families who care about us; in many cases, we have wives and children whom we love; some of us even have birthdays tomorrow. This is an event that needs to be placed into perspective.

Any Win Over the Gators is a Fluke: 1997 was just one of those days when everything went right. 2004 was just one of those years when we caught Florida at a low point. I thought last year was a turning point. It wasn’t. The Saurians simply own us and any Bulldog win in Jacksonville has to be filed under the heading of “even a broken clock is right twice a day.” They’re just better than us and they’re never not going to be, even when we occasionally catch them on a bad day and luck into a win.

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.