Two old pros confer, plan post-election drinks
“I wanted to thank you for your hospitality,” Axelrod said graciously.
“How’s this for Chamber of Commerce weather?” Barbour responded, thrilled to have both sunshine and his candidate en route.
Axelrod thanked Barbour for getting his “guy down here,” to which Barbour quickly changed the subject with a dose of honey.
“Dave, you know I have admired you and known who you were but don’t think we’ve ever actually met before,” drawled the governor.
To which Axelrod said, “You know what?” before leaning in to whisper in Barbour’s ear, out of the reach of my prying tape recorder.
Barbour responded to whatever was said on a cheery note: “I look forward to seeing you after Nov. 4; we’ll have something liquid.”
Axelrod: “We’ll have ya in the White House.”
To which both laughed, patted backs and went on their way.