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FOLO – A new pleading in the...

FOLO – A new pleading in the State Farm v. Hood battle

By: Magnolia Tribune - February 5, 2008

A new pleading in the State Farm v. Hood battle

Barney Robinson is a very busy man. I say this because, this morning, while State Farm was involved in the cage grudge match over Dickie Scruggs’s deposition (in which Robinson was filing pleadings, and apparently, someone on behalf of State Farm was both in court and then wandered over the the Scruggs Law Firm to conduct a deposition), Barney filed a brief on the subject of whether State Farm would in fact get to have a hearing (that is, put on witnesses, ask them questions) on the preliminary injunction in State Farm v. Jim Hood on Wednesday.

In the normal world, this question would not be asked. The analysis would go like this: Judge Bramlette set a hearing for Wednesday on State Farm’s preliminary injunction hearing. And so, on Wednesday, there will be witnesses talking about that. But things the State Farm lawyers hear emanating from the defense side (in the defense of the defense side, I’ll point out that there’s a very important rule that ordinairly would dictate State Farm doesn’t get their injunction) that makes the State Farm side think: It’s not enough for Judge Bramlette to say we get a hearing. We need to brief that! And so they did!


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