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FOLO – Rumblings [UPDATED]

FOLO – Rumblings [UPDATED]

By: Magnolia Tribune - January 16, 2008

Rumblings [UPDATED]

I was not able to take the document home. They just let me look at it and write it down. Having to be in another courtroom in 15 minutes, I wrote fast and furious. Some things have been left out. Some things are ineligible in my notes. An AP reporter read the report as well and I’m sure he will be printing some of it some time today. Keep in mind, these are the “facts” as presented by the government and what they claim they can prove at a trial. Defense attorneys will argue these “facts.” Scruggs’ attorney John Keker said today that what Norman read was only the government’s case and not actual “facts.”

. . . .

Oct. 7, Balducci called Patterson at about 5:48 p.m. Patterson told Balducci that he had just talked to P.L. and that Patterson would be meeting the “guy in Oxford” tomorrow. Patterson assured Balducci that the “guy in Oxford” was expecting a call.

On Oct. 8, Balducci called Patterson. Patterson indicated that he was about to call Scruggs. In a second telephone conversation, Balducci and Patterson discussed the firm’s financial problems. Patterson assured Balducci “we got 40 coming from Scruggs.”

Oct. 10, Patterson called Balducci and informed Balducci he needed to know when the “order” was going to be signed by Lackey. Patterson said P.L. needed to know.

Balducci is expected to testify that around Oct. 16, Balducci and Patterson were in Oxford and spoke to Scruggs who said, “I know y’all have talked to P.L. and I have talked to P.L. everything fine. Y’all are going to be covered.”

Two days later, Balducci delivered another $10,000 to Lackey. Scruggs called and asked about the order.

Nov. 1, Balducci delivers last $10,000.


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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.