Today, the CL is reporting that Judge Leslie Southwick is being set up for a fall in their piece entitled Senate panel sets vote on judge.
Senator Pat Leahy has decided that the stars are lined up to ax Southwick on a party line vote and is rushing to execute that vote immediately. He further went on to suggest to that the President should nominate Judge Henry Wingate after he pulls the trigger on the Senate Judiciary Committee hit job that he has been ordered to execute by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. He seemed to somehow miss the point that Presidents usually are charged with those nominations.
To turn a phrase, this is a low tech lynching of a good man. The normal nutroot opposition has locked onto two cases in over 7,000 career decisions to try and paint Southwick, a veteran and an outstanding jurist and public servant, as a racist, sexist, toothless, feckless, hapless, helpless, homophobic, xenophobic pig.
We here at Y’allPolitics salute Judge Southwick and hope that Senators Lott and Cochran will fight the good fight on Southwick’s nomination – even though the Senate mob bosses, who answer to special interests, have already ordered the political death of Leslie Southwick.