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Charlie Ross announces ‘the...

Charlie Ross announces ‘the number’ – $835K

By: Magnolia Tribune - January 19, 2007

When Senator Charlie Ross (R-Rankin County) launches his campaign for Lieutenant Governor, he’ll have a record amount of support from across Mississippi.

Ross filed his 2006 year-end campaign finance disclosure Thursday and announced that he has $835,000 in the bank.

Ross’s record fundraising – $602,000 during the 2006 calendar year and a huge rush of support late in the year – demonstrates a groundswell of support from all across Mississippi. Ross raised $460,498 in the last four months of the year and has support from over 1,000 contributors.

“From the budget to our economy, Mississippians know we need a Lieutenant Governor who is conservative and strong enough to stand on principle,” Ross said. “With the balancing of our budget and passage of tort reform we have seen that experience, conviction, and leadership matter. Now is the time to build on these successes and make Mississippi stronger and better than ever.”

Ross’s cash-on-hand of $835,000 exceeds even Lieutenant Governor Amy Tuck’s impressive fundraising as an incumbent the year before the 2003 election ($523,526 on hand at end of 2002).

Ross, a decorated Mississippi Air National Guard pilot in the first Persian Gulf War, has been a stalwart conservative leader in the Mississippi Senate – writing the state’s landmark legislation to stop lawsuit abuse.. and the Castle Doctrine Law, which allows Mississippians to protect themselves against criminals in their house, workplace, and vehicle.

Ross, a Webster County native, and currently a resident of Rankin County, represents Madison and Rankin County in the State Senate. He will mount a campaign for the open Lieutenant Governor’s seat and will formally file for the office next month.

Press Release
Charlie Ross Campaign

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