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Did Kim Wade Step Over The Line?

Did Kim Wade Step Over The Line?

By: Magnolia Tribune - April 28, 2005

by Alan Lange

On Wednesday’s WJNT in the Afternoon program, Kim Wade featured Jim Mulvaney as a guest. Mulvaney is a former Newsday investigative reporter who is now a Managing Director at Fortress Global. In 1994, he wrote an article entitled One Jail’s Tale, which detailed allegations of abuse in Jackson’s Youth Detention Center.

Allegations stemmed out of that article from two teen drug dealers, who were since killed dealing drugs, that Frank Melton sexually molested them. This article has been sent around Jackson on March 9, 2005 by email from people close to the Johnson campaign. That email was the likely cause of the resurgence of this story.

None of the charges were ever substantiated by then-DA Ed Peters, the FBI locally or federally, nor the US Justice Department and no charges have been made since. All charges have been strongly denied by Melton.

On Kim Wade’s show, Melton called in to challenge Wade (who has been extremely critical of Melton stemming from his own allegations that Melton “ran him out of business” when he operated the club Jazzy’s) and Mulvaney.

Here are some clips.

Melton calls in – warning large clip.

Wade on Melton after Melton is on the air

Wade’s allegation – “I am of the strongest opinion, having gone to an all-male school, that this man (Melton) is a practicing pedophile. That’s my opinion.”

The gloves are off. As we move forward into the final week, expect to see more of this sort of stuff in the media.

The opinions of Mr. Wade, WJNT, or Mr. Mulvaney are in no way the opinions of JacksonsNextMayor or Jackson New Media, Inc. These clips are rebroadcast as made for the purpose of letting voters decide.

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.
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