YP – Hurricane Zeta’s Impact on the 2020 General Election
Hurricane Zeta made landfall in Louisiana on Wednesday, October 28, 2020, causing damage and massive power outages along the Mississippi Gulf Coast. With the in-person absentee voting deadline quickly approaching and Election Day right around the corner, our office is working diligently to ensure local county officials have access to the help they need.
“We’ve stressed the importance of teamwork from day one, and it’s paying dividends in the aftermath of Hurricane Zeta,” said Secretary Watson. “I am proud of the hard work and dedication I’m seeing from our Circuit Clerks, first responders, utility providers, and our office. We will continue working together to make sure Mississippians voices are clearly heard on November 3rd.”
Governor Reeves voting against both medical marijuana initiatives
There are good folks on all sides of the medical marijuana debate. Most non-stoners say we should be careful & deliberate. Initiative 65 is the opposite. Experts say it would mean the most liberal weed rules in the US! Pot shops everywhere—no local authority. Voting against both.
— Governor Tate Reeves (@tatereeves) November 1, 2020
YP – MDOC reports no outbreak of COVID-19 in Mississippi prisons
Recent mismatches of medical data between state agencies regarding COVID-19 cases at Central Mississippi Correctional Facility in Rankin County caused erroneous reports this week of an “outbreak” among state prisoners at CMCF. State Epidemiologist Dr. Paul Byers describes a COVID-19 outbreak as three or more positive tests in a 14-day period among people in a confined group working or living closely together in the same area.
In the last two days of September 2020, three inmates from CMCF tested positive but only one tested positive at the facility. The other two tested COVID-19 positive during lengthy stays at Merit Health Medical Center. The three lived among nearly 3,000 inmates at CMCF but were never housed in close proximity to each other nor did their infections affect the population.
MSDH COVID-19 report
Today MSDH is reporting 340 more cases of COVID-19 in Mississippi, 14 deaths, and 126 ongoing outbreaks in long-term care facilities. The total of #covid19 cases for the year is now 120,500, with 3,348 deaths. Case details and prevention guidance at https://t.co/QP8mlJ41AN pic.twitter.com/1xpH4DMdr0
— Mississippi State Department of Health (@msdh) November 1, 2020
YP – Donors, endorsements tell the story of Griffis, Westbrooks MS Supreme Court race
While judicial races in Mississippi are non-partisan, it takes only a few clicks to see where candidates align on the left and right in terms of political support.
That truth is extremely evident in the race between Kenny Griffis and Latrice Westbrooks for the Mississippi Supreme Court.
Current Supreme Court Justice Griffis has been endorsed by the Mississippi Republican Party and many Republican elected officials for his bid to retain the District 1, Position 1 seat he was appointed to by former Governor Phil Bryant to fill the vacancy left by retiring Justice Bill Waller, Jr…
…Westbrooks has seen support from Democrat officials, left-leaning special interest groups, and trial lawyers. She even earned Congressman Bennie Thompson’s blessing by being included in his “sample ballot.”
According to her October 27th finance reports, Westbrooks’ campaign committee has raised over $165,000 in her Supreme Court bid.
WTVA – Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith shares why she feels voters should reelect her
WTOK – U.S. Senate candidates’ campaign in the Pine Belt
It’s a mad dash to the finish line as one congressional race in the Magnolia State heats up.
“Vote for me because I believe in better healthcare,” Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Mike Espy said. “Vote for me because you know, I’m just different than she is.”
“This is a stark difference between candidates in this race and I just want them to look at my track record to see what I’ve done, to help get us through COVID and we’re going to get on the other side of COVID,” Republican incumbent Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith said.
Espy and Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith were both in the Pine Belt Saturday campaigning before Election Day.
YP – N2 America engaging suburban Americans highlighting conservative ideas, achievements
N2 America, a national group founded in part by Mississippians, says it is committed to promoting and supporting center-right policies and ideas that better the lives of suburban Americans.
Their mission is to engage and educate suburban Americans through creative content that highlights conservative ideas and the achievements of a conservative agenda. They serve as a research hub to test and distribute survey research on policies important to the suburbs through convening policy makers and experts to form and discuss suburban-focused policy initiatives.
YP – State leaders and healthcare professionals make one final push against Initiative 65
With Tuesday’s general election quickly approaching, several state leaders and healthcare professionals took to the Capitol steps Friday to shine one last light on the details of Initiative 65.
The main complaint that seemed to resonate among all of the speakers was how Initiative 65 would become law in Mississippi. Because the initiative was brought to the ballot and will be voted on by the people, it will become law by integrating into the Mississippi Constitution. That is only if the measure is voted on by the people and receives more yes votes than Initiative 65A does.
“One of the things that’s really worried me this week is that people don’t really know what we are getting into,” said Dr. Thomas Dobbs, the State Health Officer. “I’ve been talking to people who are highly respected, leaders in the community who will say to me, ‘Well if it doesn’t work out the way we like it, we’ll just change it.’”
WLOX – Hyde-Smith advocates cutting regulations to help rebuild after Zeta in meeting with mayors
U.S. Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith took time away from her campaigning for a listening tour in Biloxi. She spoke with four Harrison County mayors on how to rebuild after Hurricane Zeta.
While a handful of recovery issues were discussed, the main topic for everyone at the meeting can be summarized in one word: regulations.
Most of the mayors haven’t left their borders since Hurricane Zeta ripped through the Coast, and while they are hoping for some federal relief, it was a relief just to talk.
“We’ve got a totally destroyed harbor in Long Beach.” said Long Beach Mayor George Bass.
Senator Wicker tweets story on Bidens being investigated by FBI
The @FBI is taking corruption claims against the Bidens seriously. Why is this story not being covered by @NPR and the mainstream media? Americans deserve to know the truth. https://t.co/PQHDhT525h
— Senator Roger Wicker (@SenatorWicker) October 30, 2020