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7 questions for a new season

7 questions for a new season

By: Magnolia Tribune - August 31, 2010

7 questions for a new season

7. Which coaches might land better coaching jobs?

It’s probably time for Houston’s Kevin Sumlin to move up after this season. He’s been seamless succeeding former Cougars coach Art Briles and loses star quarterback Case Keenum after this year. If Texas A&M tanks this season under third-year coach Mike Sherman, the Aggies might want to bring back Sumlin, who was their offensive coordinator in 2002.
Temple’s Al Golden also deserves to be in the running for top jobs after his miraculous turnaround of a program that was arguably the worst in college football when he arrived four seasons ago. But the former Penn State tight end might be holding out in hopes of succeeding legendary Nittany Lions coach Joe Paterno.

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.