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Gottfried’s gone at Alabama...

Gottfried’s gone at Alabama — what now?

By: Magnolia Tribune - January 27, 2009

Gottfried’s gone at Alabama — what now?

HUNTSVILLE — You didn’t exactly need to be clairvoyant to see this coming. You didn’t have to be a basketball expert to urge, as I did in Sunday’s column, that a change was needed at the University of Alabama’s basketball program.
It was surprising, however, that Mark Gottfried is gone now. I thought he’d get a slightly longer stay of execution.
It was reported as a “resignation” that Gottfried handed to director of athletics Mal Moore. But these days, every time I hear “resignation” from a pipeline that began in the AD’s office, I am skeptical.
Where to from here?
You could hardly consider Alabama basketball coach one of the top 25 or 30 coaching jobs in the country. It’ll forever be lost in the shadow of football. The coliseum is a relic, despite some recent nips and tucks here and there. There’s not a passion for basketball in this state.

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.