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Haley Barbour: Herman Cain Would Sweep...

Haley Barbour: Herman Cain Would Sweep The South Against Obama

By: Magnolia Tribune - October 14, 2011

Haley Barbour: Herman Cain Would Sweep The South Against Obama

“If this election is where it ought to be, and that is a referendum on how President Obama is doing, Republicans are going to win. If Herman Cain is our nominee against Barack Obama, I think he’ll sweep the south,” Gov. Haley Barbour (R-Miss.) told Laura Ingraham today.

“I think if it were today my wife would vote for Herman Cain. One of my sons, I have grown children, you know, from the first day said ‘Dad, do you know Herman Cain?’ I said sure, I’ve known him since I was Chairman. He said “Man, I like him, I like what he says,” and that is one of his great strengths Laura. He is likable. He does not give you the impression that he is full of himself, but rather than he is a straight-talkin’ person who, will tell you, he call it like he sees them. He’s not trying to sugar coat anything and at the same time he is not trying to be shrill and a chest beater. He’s a straight talker and I think that makes him very, very attractive to people.”

Real Clear Politics

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.