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Bill Minor attacks Gregg Harper

Bill Minor attacks Gregg Harper

By: Magnolia Tribune - July 29, 2011

Bill Minor attacks Gregg Harper

JACKSON – Gregg Harper, the Rankin County Republican who occupies Mississippi’s 3rd District seat in the U.S. House, in a July 16 column attacking the AARP secondarily let us senior citizens know he’s trying to dismantle the Medicare program we have counted on as a health care safety net.

Harper, still a greenhorn in Congress, was elected in 2008 to fill the made-to-order GOP seat Chip Pickering suddenly gave up amid unexplained circumstances (we can guess after his estranged wife filed an alienation of affections lawsuit against another woman.)

Harper obviously has joined the gang of rightwing GOP fanatics elected in 2010. Their goal is to strip away every vestige of social programs enacted under FDR or LBJ that benefit the elderly or struggling Americans who live on the edge of poverty. They would take us back to the “good old days” of such Republican stalwarts as Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover.

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