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MIM – House and Senate Matters...

MIM – House and Senate Matters Remaining

By: Magnolia Tribune - November 12, 2010

House and Senate Matters Remaining

The elections are over but here are several questions concerning issues like rules and leadership of the next Congress that have yet to be resolved.

In the House, there is a fight going on between Steny Hoyer (MD) and James Clyburn (SC) for the number two post in the Democratic caucus. In the majority, Hoyer served as Majority Leader (the number two) and Clyburn was the Majority Whip (the number three). However, you lose one leadership position when you lose the majority. Nancy Pelosi, despite calls from some moderate Democrats (remaining), looks likely to remain the Democratic leader serving as Minority Leader, leaving Hoyer and Clyburn to fight it out in the game of musical chairs.

According to reports, Bennie Thompson has joined much of the Black Caucus in supporting Clyburn (who is also a CBC member). Hotline on calls shows 51 public commits for Hoyer, 13 for Clyburn.

Majority in Miss.

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.