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Childers accuses Nunnelee of lying,...

Childers accuses Nunnelee of lying, despite the fact HE used anonymous commenter as a fact

By: Magnolia Tribune - September 21, 2010

Alan Nunnelee Still Supports the Fair Tax, Lies to North Mississippians Again

Booneville, MS – State Senator Alan Nunnelee pledged to never raise taxes, but raised gas and property taxes and raised taxes on sick people in hospital beds. Now he supports a 23% sales tax increase on everything Mississippi families buy, including medicine, cars, gas, groceries, and guns. But Nunnelee’s been trying to cover up his support of the Fair Tax by dodging questions and creating distractions rather than telling the truth about his broken promise to North Mississippians.

“Once again, Alan Nunnelee is playing politics with issues of importance to North Mississippi by trying to hide his support for raising taxes,” said Dana Edelstein, Childers for Congress Communications Director. “In response to questions about his support for the Fair Tax, Nunnelee now tries to avoid a direct answer or create distractions instead of telling North Mississippians the truth – that he supports a 23% tax increase on Mississippi families, breaking his pledge to never raise taxes. The only thing worse than Alan Nunnelee’s plan to raise the cost of a bag of groceries by 23% is his unwillingness to stand behind his dangerous plans.”

Last week, “Nunnelee would not answer repeated questions during the AP interview about whether he specifically supports the fair tax proposal.” [NEMS Daily Journal, 9/16/10] The truth is that if Nunnelee has his way, Mississippians will be forced to pay higher prices for everyday goods like medicine, cars, gas, groceries, and guns.

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.