WLOX – Mississippi governor to appoint state’s first female U.S. senator to Senate vacancy
Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant will appoint State Agriculture Commissioner Cindy Hyde-Smith to fill the Senate vacancy when veteran Senator Thad Cochran retires in April. She will be Mississippi’s first female U.S. senator.
Brookhaven Mayor Joe Cox confirmed Tuesday that Governor Bryant will announce his selection of Hyde-Smith on Wednesday. An event will be held at the Military Memorial Museum at the Old Train Depot in Brookhaven.
WLBT – Governor expected to appoint Cindy Hyde-Smith to Senator Cochran’s post
CLARION LEDGER – Gov. Phil Bryant to appoint Cindy Hyde-Smith to Senate seat, but some in GOP are worried
The move is likely to gain approval from President Donald Trump in lead-up to one of the most important midterm elections in the country, and the powerful Farm Bureau is expected to mobilize behind Hyde-Smith, a key factor in Bryant’s decision, GOP sources said.
But some state Republicans are worried over the choice, fearing Hyde-Smith, a relatively recent convert to the Republican Party, would allow an anti-establishment GOP candidate or Democrat to take the seat…
…Cochran Chief of Staff Brad White, a former state Republican Party chairman, said Mississippi GOP leaders should quit hand-wringing over Bryant choosing Hyde-Smith and get behind the governor’s pick.
“I’m speaking as a former party chairman on this,” White said. “Phil Bryant is the head of the party, and it falls to him to make this choice. He’s made that choice, and now it’s up to him and the party to see that she’s elected.
“… All the debate (among Republicans) is bull s–t at this point,” White said. “He’s the head of the party, and it’s time to get to work to get his choice elected. I like Cindy, and there’s not a negative word I can say about her as a person or as a public servant. I think she’s a hard campaigner, and I think she will serve us well in the Senate.”
NATIONAL JOURNAL – The Return of Chris McDaniel
BREITBART NEWS – Interview with Chris McDaniel
CLARION LEDGER – Candidates seeking Gregg Harper’s seat stump on economy, healthcare
Harper announced in January that he is not running for reelection. A crowded field is seeking to claim his seat — six Republican candidates and two Democrats (a state representative and a police officer).
During a forum sponsored by the Business and Industry Political Education Committee, candidates from both parties made the usual promises of making sure Mississippians have a voice in Washington and expressed their dedication to job creation.
Sen. Wicker questions TVA nominee
ICYMI: My Q&A with @realDonaldTrump‘s nominee, John Ryder of #Memphis, to be a member of the Board of Directors of @TVAnews. My hometown of @MyTupelo is the first TVA city, & we are still proud of that! https://t.co/YXlR8cmx1d
— Senator Roger Wicker (@SenatorWicker) March 20, 2018
DAILY JOURNAL – Judge temporarily blocks most restrictive abortion law in US
The most restrictive abortion law in the United States was in effect less than 24 hours before a federal judge temporarily blocked it Tuesday during what could become a long legal fight between Mississippi’s Republican governor and the state’s only abortion clinic.
Gov. Phil Bryant on Monday signed a bill banning abortion after 15 weeks’ gestation, and it became law immediately. The clinic, Jackson Women’s Health Organization, quickly sued, arguing the law is unconstitutional because it bans abortion weeks before a fetus can survive outside the womb.
U.S. District Judge Carlton Reeves heard arguments Tuesday before granting the clinic’s immediate request for a temporary restraining order.
WLOX – City council meeting gets heated over state flag debate
The state flag flying over Ocean Springs remains a source of contention for some South Mississippi residents…
…Some protesters even called out city leaders for promoting a racist and exclusive living environment.
“The Ocean Springs that we once knew and loved has been transformed into a cold and uncaring breeding ground for far-right racists,” said Curley Clark, the Jackson County NAACP president. “Black people be warned! Brown people be warned! LGBT people be warned! Jewish faith brethren be warned!”
The outcry caused Mayor Dobson to raise his voice, banging his gavel for Clark to stop speaking since his allotted three minutes were over…
…In response to Mayor Dobson’s outburst at the meeting, TNathan Fairley with the Mississippi Rising Coalition is now calling for a public boycott of the city of Ocean Springs.
SUNHERALD – The Favre family governs much of Hancock County. Is that a good thing?
If you do business with government in Hancock County, you will likely meet someone named Favre.
Mike Favre is the mayor of Bay St. Louis. His brother, Eddie, is the Hancock County administrator. And now Casey Favre, Mike’s son and Eddie’s nephew, leads the school board and has just landed a lucrative contract to run the health care system at the county jail. Oh, and he’ll soon be instrumental in picking the next superintendent in the Bay-Waveland School District…
…“I’m hearing all this crap about nepotism and conflicts but it’s kind of like what was said over in Harrison County, it’s almost like it’s a family rule, a family tradition of public service,” said Eddie Favre.
“I tell everybody all the time that there ain’t nobody in their right mind would want to do this. You’ve got to be nuts to subject yourself to the crap you get in political life, whether it’s appointed or elected. So unfortunately, you don’t have some good people offering themselves to take the crap that you’re going to end up taking. At the same time, you have others who feel the commitment to serve.”
MERIDIAN STAR – Mississippi hires pension director from Georgia government
Ray Higgins will be the sixth leader of the Mississippi government pension system in its 66-year history.
The current director, Pat Robertson, is retiring June 30 at the end of the current state budget year. Higgins will work with her during June, and he succeeds her as director July 1.
Higgins is coming from the Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning, where he has been deputy commissioner for finance and administration since 2011.
Gov. Bryant meets with former Sen. DeMint
So glad to be with @JimDeMint tonight. He is a true conservative who has long been a true friend and defender of federalism. pic.twitter.com/6ygx8wviNe
— Phil Bryant (@PhilBryantMS) March 21, 2018