Scruggs donated $34K to Hood’s Campaign on 7/9/7
Hood’s famous “confidential informant” letter to Alice Martin on behalf of Scruggs on 7/16/7
According to DAGA’s Tax Disclosure . . .
Scruggs Firm chipped in $100K to DAGA on 10/2/7
Scruggs Firm then popped in for $200K to DAGA on 10/17/7
UPDATE – We made a minor error in attributing $300K to Scruggs in one payment on 10/17. If you will notice on page 8 of the report, on 10/17, it lists a $300K aggregate YTD contribution, but only $200K for that day. The Langston Law Firm had donated $100K on 10/2/7 as well as Scruggs, so the total outlay of $400K via DAGA remains correct, but the percentage of what Scruggs gave is slightly less. We apologize about the error and have corrected it.
That totals $400K.
On page 12, note the following . . .
DAGA put $250K to Hood on 10/19/7
DAGA then put another $150K to Hood on 10/24/7