OK, morons – the site move has begun. Comments are shut off, and we’ve poured several stiff drinks in preparation for doing a lot of very meticulous and dangerous operations to the databases. Now go to bed. – Web folk
Alright, MP fans. We have it on high authority from our web folks that the new MississippiPolitics site will be up and running by mid-week.
There will be lots of changes in the new format including . . .
– Layout
– Newsfeeds
– New and better content
– Comment notification features (to let you monitor comment strings)
– and, yes, User Registration
The User Registration feature has been the topic of some hot conversation. We will provide very clear instructions on how to do it, and how to remain anonymous if you want to as there is some value to that avenue of expression. We will, however, be taking a stronger posture toward profanity on the site and will have better tools at our disposal to deal with commenters who go “over the line”. Where is the line? Fortunately, it is wherever I say it is.
We will do the best we can to make it as seamless as possible, but please be patient. These changes will make MP a better site with more features than ever.
Thanks for your continued support of MississippiPolitics.com.
Alan Lange
Web folk says: At some point in the next day or so, comments will be shut off while we move to the new system, so as not to lose anything in the time it takes to make the transition, which is likely to be at least a couple of hours.